Bulldock 25 ec
Bulldock 25 EC növényvédő szer - Agromedium. Bulldock 25 EC. Hibás adatlap. Rendeltetés. Rovarölő szer. Hatóanyag összetétel. 25 g/l béta-ciflutrin. Felhasználásra vonatkozó előírások. bimbós kel, brokkoli, fejes káposzta, karfiol, kelkáposzta 0,5 l/ha. búza (őszi), tritikále 0,3 l/ha. káposztarepce (őszi) 0,3 l/ha
. alma 0,5 l/ha. ringló, szilva 0,6 l/ha. borsó (zöld) 0,6 l/ha.. Bulldock 25 EC 1 l | T05332 - Gazdabolt.hu. Bulldock 25 EC + Bio-Film 0,3 l/ha dózisa. Az adalékanyag a növényvédő szer hatását és esőállóságát növeli. Repceszárormányos ellen Bulldock 25 EC + Pyrinex 25 CS (Pyrinex R Pack). KÜLÖNLEGES ELŐNYE: Gyors, látványos taglózó hatás. KIEGÉSZÍTŐ TECHNIKAI ADATOK: Munkaegészségügyi várakozási idő: 0 nap. Bulldock 25 EC - rovarölő szer - Agroinform.hu. Növényvédő szer neve: Bulldock 25 EC. Rendeltetés: Rovarölő szer, atkaölő szer. Hatóanyag összetétel: Béta-ciflutrin. Kultúra: Alma, Bimbóskel, Brokkoli, Csemegekukorica, Dohány, Fejes káposzta, Karfiol, Kelkáposzta (2), Kukorica (szemes), Őszi búza, Őszi káposztarepce, Ringló, Szárazborsó (sárgaborsó), Szilva .. Bulldock 25 EC - ADAMA Insecticides - agrobaseapp.com. Bulldock 25 EC - ADAMA Insecticides. Manufacturer. ADAMA. Category. Insecticides. Registered until. 2023-10-31. Registration number. 04.2/1067-1/2016. Active materials. beta-cyfluthrin 25 g/l. Field Navigator. Download. NÖVÉNYVÉDELMI TECHNOLÓGIA:. Bulldock® 25 EC Insecticide Label and SDS | Bayer Crop Science. Bulldock 25 EC is the preferred treatment to control fruit-spotting bugs in macadamias and avocados. Product Label and SDS. Bulldock 25 EC Insecticide Product Label Bulldock 25 EC Insecticide SDS. At a glance. Crop Suitability. Resources. Product Type. Insecticide. Active Ingredient. Beta-cyfluthrin 25 g/L. Formulation Type.. Bulldock 25 EC pesticide - Agromedium. Bulldock 25 EC. Incorrect Data Sheet. Field of Use. Rovarölő szer. Active Substances. 25 g/l béta-ciflutrin. Specifications for Use. bimbós kel, brokkoli, fejes káposzta, karfiol, kelkáposzta 0,5 l/ha. búza (őszi), tritikále 0,3 l/ha. káposztarepce (őszi) 0,3 l/ha. alma 0,5 l/ha. ringló, szilva 0,6 l/ha
. borsó (zöld) 0,6 l/ha.. PDF Biztonsági Adatlap - Pannon-mag. BULLDOCK 25 EC1 / 16. oldal BIZTONSÁGI ADATLAP 1. SZAKASZ: A KEVERÉK ÉS A VÁLLALAT/VÁLLALKOZÁS AZONOSÍTÁSA 1.1. Termékazonosító: BULLDOCK 25 EC Termékkód: MCW-5976 1.2. A keverék megfelelő azonosított felhasználása, illetve ellenjavallt felhasználása: Rovarölő szer ipari felhasználásra. Emulzióképző koncentrátum (EC).. Bulldock 25 EC 1 l | T05332 - Gazdabolt.hu. Bulldock 25 EC 1 l | T05332 - Gazdabolt.hu. Farmers TV. Categories. Wine and chemical products. Gardener for seedlings. Irrigation and pond technology. Organic and fertiliser. Tools, protective equipment. Farmers points. How to buy? © 2003 - 2023 Internet Gazda Áruház Kft. All rights reserved.. PDF Bulldock 25 EC mod 20181001 - Agromedium. 2,76% (m/m) ± 0,41% (m/m) megjelenés: halványsárga színű, jellegzetes szagú, homogén folyadék sűrűség: 0,9071 g/ml pH (1%-os oldat): 5,02 kinematikai viszkozitás (40 ± 1oC): 1,67 mm2/s felületi feszültség (25oC): 26,5 mN/m lobbanáspont: 60oC öngyulladási hőfok: >400oC. 4. Felhasználásra vonatkozó előírások:. PDF Weblabel for Bulldock 25 EC - Bayer
. Bulldock® 25 EC . INSECTICIDE . ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 25 g/L BETA-CYFLUTHRIN SOLVENT: 803 g/L LIQUID HYDROCARBONS . GROUP . 3A INSECTICIDE . For control of certain insect pests of avocados and macadamias as specified in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE table . DIRECTIONS FOR USE . RESTRAINT . DO NOT apply if rain is expected within 6 hours.. PDF BULLDOCK 25 EC - Nufarm. BULLDOCK 25 EC. Biztonsági adatlap. megfelel a 1907/2006 (EK) rendelet (REACH) követelményeinek, a 2015/830 (EU) rendelet módosításával Kibocsátási dátum: 16/01/2019 . Felülvizsgálat dátuma: 16/01/2019 . Verzió: 1.0. 1. SZAKASZ: Az anyag/keverék és a vállalat/vállalkozás azonosítása. 1.1. Termékazonosító. CA kód (Nufarm) .. Bulldock 25 EC 1L - Vegyimester Kft.. Rovarölők/Bulldock 25 EC 1L. Bezárás. OK. Bulldock 25 EC - BAYER Insecticides - agrobaseapp.com. Bulldock 25 EC - BAYER Insecticides. Manufacturer. BAYER. Category. Insecticides. Registered until. 2017-06-30. Registration number. 40422. Active materials. beta-cyfluthrin 25 g/l. Field Navigator. Download. GROUP 3A INSECTICIDE. For control of certain insect pests of avocados and macadamias as specified in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE table.. BULLDOCK 25 EC | myHealthbox. BULLDOCK 25 EC INSECTICIDE. Country: Australia. Language: English
. Source: APVMA (Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority) Buy It Now. Patient Information leaflet (PIL) 19-06-2017. Summary of Product characteristics (SPC) 19-06-2017. Active ingredient: BETACYFLUTHRIN; LIQUID HYDROCARBON; XYLENE. Available from:. ELŐADÓ: Csaba Eszter TÁRGY: Bulldock 25 EC rovarölő permetezőszer .. kivételével, meg kell egyeznie a Bulldock 25 EC rovarölő permetezőszer jóváhagyott címkeszövegével. Az engedélyezési eljárás díja 100.000 Ft, amelyet az ügyfél az engedélyező hatóság által. Pyirinex R pack quick (2x5 L Pyrinex 48 EC + 1x5 L Bulldock 25 EC). Leírás. BULLDOCK 25 EC: Hatóanyag: 2,5 % béta-ciflutrin. Gyártó/Hazai képviselet: Makhteshim-Agan (IL) / Bayer (DE) / Méregjelzés: Xn (ártalmas) Méhveszélyesség: méhekre kifejezetten veszélyes. Forgalmazási kategória: II (zöld könyves) Vízi veszélyesség: kifejezetten veszélyes. Tűzveszélyesség: mérsékelten tűzveszélyes, „D" tűzveszélyességi osztály. PDF Biztonsági adatlap. BULLDOCK 25 EC. 1.2. A keverék megfelelő azonosított felhasználása, illetve ellenjavallt felhasználása: . Rovarölő szer ipari felhasználásra. Emulzióképző koncentrátum (EC). Mezőgazdasági felhasználású növényvédő szer. 1.3. A biztonsági adatlap szállítójának adatai: . Adama Hungary Zrt. 1138 Budapest, Madarász Viktor u. 47/49.. PDF Bulldock 25 EC Insecticide SDS - Bayer. Bulldock® 25 EC Insecticide. Product code (UVP) 06061818. 1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against. Use. Insecticide. 1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet. Supplier. Bayer Cropscience Pty Ltd. ABN 87 000 226 022 Level 4, 109 Burwood Rd Hawthorn 3122 Victoria Australia. Telephone.. PDF Weblabel for Bulldock 25 EC - resources.bayer.com.au. Bulldock® 25 EC . INSECTICIDE . ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 25 g/L BETA-CYFLUTHRIN SOLVENT: 803 g/L LIQUID HYDROCARBONS . GROUP 3A INSECTICIDE . For control of certain insect pests of avocados and macadamias as specified in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE table . DIRECTIONS FOR USE . RESTRAINT . DO NOT apply if rain is expected within 6 hours.. Bulldock-25-EC-engedélyokirat - Nufarm Hungária. Nufarm-csapatmatek: nálunk a kettő plusz kettő több, mint négy. augusztus 25 2023.. Nemzeti Élelmiszerlánc -biztonsági Hivatal Növény-, Talaj - és .. Tárgy: Bulldock 25 25 EC EC rovaröl rovarölő permetezőszer. forgalomba forgalomba hozatali hozatali és és felhasználási felhasználási engedélyének engedélyének felülvizsgálata. engedélyokirat. Nemzeti Élelmiszerlánc- biztonsági biztonsági Hivatal Hivatal , mint elsőfokú fokú élelmiszerlánc élelmiszerlánc .. PDF Weblabel for Bulldock 25 EC - Bayer. Bulldock® 25 EC. INSECTICIDE. Active Constituent: 25 g/L BETA-CYFLUTHRIN Solvent: 775 g/L XYLENE. GROUP. 3A
. INSECTICIDE. For control of certain insect pests of avocados, brassicas, macadamias and tomatoes as specified in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE table
. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. Export of treated produce.. 1118 Budapest, Budaörsi út 141-145. Nemzeti Élelmiszerlánc. Az engedélyez ő hatóság a Bulldock Bulldock 25 25 EC EC rovaröl rovarölő permetezőszer forgalomba forgalomba hozatali hozatali és és felhasználási engedélyének megadásáról megadásáról a szóló szóló 04.2/1197-1/2013. NÉBIH NÉBIH számú határozatot .. Products from A to Z - Bayer Australia. Bulldock 25 EC Insecticide . Field of Activity: Crop Protection. Applications: Insecticide. View product information. C. Calypso 480 SC Insecticide . K-Obiol EC Combi Synergised Grain Protectant . Environmental Science : Insecticide : View product information. Kerendia ® .. Search Bayers insecticide products. Insecticides. Breakthrough solutions and proven alternatives. Our range of insecticides combines the exciting chemistry and excellent levels of control while having very little impact on beneficials, with products that have been standard inclusions in many spray rotations for years. For specific questions about tackling particular pest issues .. PDF Bulldock® 25 EC Insecticide - herbiguide.com.au. Bulldock 25 EC also contains xylene, a hydrocarbon liquid. Small amounts aspirated into the respiratory system during ingestion or from vomiting may cause bronchopneumonia or pulmonary oedema. ANIMAL TOXICITY DATA - PRODUCT Acute: Oral toxicity LD 50 rat: 630 - 757 mg/kg. Fumitory | Weed Control | Bayer Crop Science. Once the plant matures, fumitory is semi-erect to sprawling, with a climbing habit, slender, herbaceous, freely branching and between 30-70 cm tall. The leaves are triangular and deeply lobed, soft, hairless, green or blue-green in colour and arranged alternatively. The flowers occur in clusters of 10-40 flowers, 6-12 mm long and are white .. Agenda® 25 EC - Envu Environmental Science Philippines - Bayer. How to use: Pour the required quantity of Agenda® 25 EC into a mixing tank half filled with water. Stir thoroughly before filing the tank with the remaining balance of water to the correct level and mix well. Use a volume of 4 litres solution per square metre area. Thoroughly apply either as a drench or coarse spray to the target area.. PDF Karta Charakterystyki. Bulldock 025 EC - Beta-Cyfluthrin 25 EC Data aktualizacji 29.05.2018 r. Strona 6 / 13 7.1.2 Ogólne zasady przestrzegania higieny w miejscu pracy Przestrzegać zaleceń obowiązujących podczas pracy z czynnikami chemicznymi zgodnie z rozporządzeniem Ministra Zdrowia z dnia 30 grudnia 2004r. w sprawie bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy. Aphids | Pests | Bayer Crop Science. Aphids are small (1-2 mm), soft bodied, pear shaped insects appearing as clusters on plants, particularly growing shoots. Immature forms are wingless and range in colours including green, yellow, orange and black. Most adults are female and do not need to mate. They rarely lay eggs, instead immature nymphs are born and begin feeding immediately .. Pflanzenschutzmittel Bulldock Nufarm - raiffeisen.com. Konzentration in g/ml/100 l Wasser und maximale Zahl der Anwendungen im Vegetationszeitraum: 300 ml/ha in 200-400 l Wasser - in Raps und Kohlgemüse - 3 Anwendungen, in Getreide, Zuckerrüben, Kartoffeln 1 Anwendung. Wartezeit in Tagen: Raps, Getreide-56 Tage, Zuckerrüben, Kartoffeln-28 Tage, Kohl-Gemüse-7 Tage.. PDF SAFETY DATA SHEET according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006. Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. Contains reaction mass of: 5-chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one and 2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (3:1), 1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one. May produce an allergic. EUH401. reaction. To avoid risks to human health and the environment, comply with the instructions for use.. Buldok | Bayer Indonesia. Buldok® 25 EC . Insecticide work as contact and stomach poison in the form of a clear yellow emulsifiable concentrate formulation for controlling pests in orchid .
. Point of run-off | Growers Edge | Bayer Crop Science. Bulldock 25 EC Insecticide; Calypso 480SC Insecticide; Decis Options Insecticide; Larvin 375 Insecticide; Movento 240 SC Insecticide; Movento Energy Insecticide; SIVANTO prime 200 SL Insecticide; Vayego 200 SC Insecticide; Vayego Forte Insecticide; Biologicals. Back; Biologicals; Serenade Opti; Serenade Prime; Serenade SOIL ACTIV;. Confidor® 200 SC Insecticide Label and SDS | Bayer Crop Science. Call 1800 804 479 and speak with our technical enquiries team, or ask us a question below. Confidor® 200 SC Insecticide is used for producing healthier vegetable crops as it controls insect pests, green peach and woolly aphid, grey cabbage aphid, silver leaf whitefly and turnip aphid.. Bedstraw | Weed Control | Bayer Crop Science
. Control. Bedstraws are controllable in cereal and legume crops with herbicides but can be difficult to control in canola, lupins and lentils. If not controlled, bedstraw can form dense masses of tangled vegetation in crops. It also tends to retain seed which is difficult to grade out of canola seed. The seed can remain viable in the soil for 2 .. Növényvédelem júliusban | Vasárnap | Családi magazin és portál. A következők használhatók rájuk: Bulldock 25 EC, Decis Protech, Karate Zeon 5 SC, Spintor, Steward. A meleg, szárazabb időjárás a lisztharmatnak kedvez, gyakran megtámadja a petrezselymet, tökféléket, sok dísznövényt, virágot, bokrot. Ellene ajánlott vegyszerek a kéntartalmú Kumulus WG és a Thiovit Jet.. SIVANTO prime Insecticide | Bayer Crop Science Australia. SIVANTO prime is an innovative insecticide which has been developed worldwide in a wide variety of fruit, nut and vegetable crops. With over a decade of field research in Australia, it has shown excellent performance on a wide spectrum of damaging sucking pests including fruit spotting bugs, banana spotting bugs, lace bugs, aphids, whiteflies and planthoppers and for the suppression of .. PDF Datos del Producto Titular Fabricante - PortalTecnoAgricola. BULLDOCK-2,5 SC 19191 Cancelado 19/09/2017 31/12/2020 20/04/2021 Datos del Producto Titular NUFARM ESPAÑA, S.A. C/ Balmes 200, 1º 4ª (Barcelona) 08006 Fabricante NUFARM ESPAÑA, S.A. C/ Balmes 200, 1º 4ª (Barcelona) 08006 Envases Envases de 12 cc, 15 cc, 100 cc, 150 cc, 200 cc. Botellas de polietileno de 0,25 y 1 l.. Grape Crop Protection Solutions | Bayer Crop Science
. Saturn EC Rice Herbicide; Sencor 480 SC Selective Herbicide; Taipan Herbicide; Tramat 500 SC Selective Herbicide; Velocity Selective Herbicide; Insecticides. Back; Insecticides; Belt 480 SC Insecticide; Bulldock 25 EC Insecticide; Calypso 480SC Insecticide; Decis Options Insecticide; Larvin 375 Insecticide; Movento 240 SC Insecticide; Movento .. NZ farmer breaks world record | News | Bayer Crop Science. New Zealand farmer breaks world record with massive 17.398 tonne per hectare wheat crop. Eric Watson from Ashburton, New Zealand has taken out the Guinness World Record for the Highest wheat yield for the second consecutive time. Watson produced an incredible 17.398 tonnes per hectare wheat crop, beating his previous record crop grown in 2017 .. Mealybugs | Pests | Bayer Crop Science. Description. Female mealybugs are soft bodied, segmented insects that are covered in a white powdery wax. They are 3-5 mm long, have filaments around their oval, flattened bodies and live in colonies where they feed on the sap of plants. In contrast, males are tiny winged insects with waxy tail filaments. Mealybug nymphs look similar to adult .. Rhizoctonia root rot | Disease Control & Treatment - Bayer. Rhizoctonia root rot is a fungal soil-borne disease that damages cereals and some other crops by attacking their roots. The symptoms of rhizoctonia are often very easy to see: uneven crop growth leaves weak or bare patches with a defined edge between the affected plants and healthy ones.. TagTeam inoculant | SeedGrowth | Bayer Crop Science Australia. biological inoculant. TagTeam ® is a dual action inoculant tool combining the phosphate-solubilising microorganism Penicillium bilaii with nitrogen-fixing rhizobia bacteria. Together, they can create more fixed nitrogen, and better access to soil and fertiliser phosphate, providing higher yield potential in pulse crops.. Biological Foliar Fungicide | Serenade Opti | Bayer Crop Science. The Nitschinsks applied the biological fungicide at 250 g/100 L of water and used a water rate of 700-800 L/ha through their Silvan Turbomiser sprayer. When used as directed, Serenade Opti is soft on most beneficial insect species, including predatory ladybird beetles, green lacewings, parasitic wasps and predatory mites.. Peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance .. For operators and workers during field use of Bulldock 25 EC, the use of personal protective equipment is required; whereas during the use of Montur Forte FS 230 as seed treatment the operators should use respiratory protective equipment, with the condition that different operators should perform the different tasks of mixing .. Potato weed/Yellow Weed | Weed Control | Bayer Crop Science. Potato weed. Also known as yellow weed, potato weed is an almost hairless, annual herb that gets its name because of its resemblance to a potato plant. While potato weed prefers damp areas, it will grow in a range of soil types, with varying pH and will grow in semi-shade to full sun. Potato weed is a pest of a number of horticultural crops .. Bananas Crops Solutions | Bayer Crop Science. Prosper 500 EC Fungicide; Routine 200 SC Fungicide; Scala 600 SC Fungicide; Teldor 500 SC Fungicide; Xivana Prime Fungicide; Herbicides. Back; Herbicides; . Bulldock 25 EC Insecticide; Calypso 480SC Insecticide; Decis Options Insecticide; Larvin 375 Insecticide; Movento 240 SC Insecticide;. Öntözni, de hogyan? | Vasárnap | Családi magazin és portál. Az almát, őszibarackot, szilvát a molyok második generációja ellen kell permetezni (itt a korai fajtáknál már vigyázni kell az egészségügyi várakozási időre): Bulldock 25 EC, (alma), Calypso 480 SC (alma, szilva), Decis EW 50 (őszibarack, alma, szilva), Dimilin 48 SC (alma, szilva), Integro (alma), Karate Zeon 5 CS, (alma .. Product Detail Page - English
. Bulldock® Beta 125 SC. The success story continues. A suspension concentrate contact and stomach insecticide for the control of insect pests on various crops as indicated. Contact A Sales Representative. Labels and Usage. arrow_forward_ios View All. get_app. Product Label. get_app. Safety Data Sheet.. Vegetable Seeds | Products | Find Crop Solutions - Bayer. Bayer Vegetable Seeds. The Bayer Crop Science vegetable seed business serves open-field and protected culture customers through its brands Seminis® and De Ruiter™. Our mission is to deliver products that provide yield and value to our customers, and more tasty and healthy vegetables to the consumer. The Bayer Crop Science vegetable seed .. New MoA to tackle banana pest | News | Bayer Crop Science Australia. New mode of action to tackle serious banana pest. Banana growers now have a new tool to manage the damaging banana weevil borer, following the registration of Vayego ® Forte, an insecticide from Bayer. Registered in August 2020, Vayego Forte introduces a new insecticide mode of action to the industry, containing 480 g/L of the Group 28 .. Pre-emergent Herbicide Trials | Sakura |Bayer Crop Science. Return on investment was calculated for four WA trials (two conducted in 2017 and two conducted in 2018) and showed the application of Sakura alone was the clear leader at these sites with an average return of $116.42/ha, compared to Sakura plus trifluralin, which costs around $9/ha extra and gave an average return on investment of $82/ha.. Sugarcane Crops Protection Solutions | Bayer Crop Science. Balance® Flow herbicide is a convenient 480 g/L liquid formulation that provides the same in-field performance as Balance 750 WG. Balance Flow will give you an extended period of weed control for broadleaf weeds in chickpea crops, as well as control or suppression of broadleaf and grass weeds in sugarcane crops and in fallow situations.. Bulldock EC 25 - ADAMA Insecticides - agrobaseapp.com. UPORABA: BULLDOCK EC 25 je kontaktni insekticid, ki se uporablja za zatiranje: a) listnih sovk (Mamestra spp.) in črne fižolove uši (Aphis fabae) na sladkorni in krmni pesi, resarjev (Thrips spp.) na tobaku, listnih uši (Aphididae) in rdečega žitnega strgača (Oulema melanopus) na strnih žitih (pšenica, ječmen, rž, oves, tritikala) ter repičarja (Meligethes aeneus) na oljni .. Brassicas | Vegetables Crop Solutions | Bayer Crop Science. Search our range of herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and biologicals registered for use in brassicas. Bayer Crop Science provides products to protect cabbages, cauliflowers, brussels sprouts & other Brassica vegetable crops from crop-diseases. Growers can search online from range of biologicals, insecticides, fungicides & herbicides .. Belt® 480 SC Insecticide Label and SDS | Bayer Crop Science. Belt® 480 SC Insecticide. Belt is a fast-acting and long-lasting solution for the control of various chewing (lepidopteran) pests in a range of vegetable crops and strawberries. Belt is soft on most beneficial species and pollinators (when used as directed), so it fits very well into IPM programs. Belt is very active and rainfast quickly .. Bayer Biologics | Biologicals Australia | Bayer Crop Science. Bayer Biologics, soil health & giving back to the land. 21st century agriculture is a sophisticated biological production system to supply the food and fibre needs of a growing human population. With increasing demands on the land to produce more from less, a deeper understanding of the complexity of micro-biological systems in soils has evolved.. Szélesebb palettával a repcekárosítók ellen - Agrotrend. Ehhez javasoljuk a Sumi Alfa 5 EC-t 0,2 l /ha, a Kaiso EG-t 0,2 kg/ha, a Bulldock 25 EC-t 0,3 l/ha dózisban. Ha együtt szeretnénk használni a két hatóanyagot, megtehetjük a gyári kombinációjú Pyrinex Supreme-mel 0,75-1,25 l/ha dózisban. Ebben az évben is rendelkezésre áll a két csomagajánlatunk, a Kaiso Plusz és a Repce .. New weed control benchmark confirmed for 2022 season. 25 January, 2022 The promise of a new industry benchmark for grass and broadleaf weed control in wheat and barley crops has become reality for growers. Bayer has welcomed the registration of its unique Mateno ® Complete grass and broadleaf weed pre-emergent and early post-emergent herbicide by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines .. Spray applicator series: Nozzle selection| Bayer Crop Science Australia. Saturn EC Rice Herbicide; Sencor 480 SC Selective Herbicide; Taipan Herbicide; Tramat 500 SC Selective Herbicide; Velocity Selective Herbicide; Insecticides. Back; Insecticides; Belt 480 SC Insecticide; Bulldock 25 EC Insecticide; Calypso 480SC Insecticide; Decis Options Insecticide; Larvin 375 Insecticide; Movento 240 SC Insecticide; Movento .. PDF BULLDOCK 25 EC - Nufarm. Insekticidní přípravek Bulldock 25 EC obsahuje účinnou látku beta-cyfl uthrin. Jedná se o ne-systémovou pyretroidní účinnou látku, které působí jako kontaktní a požerový jed. Spektrem účinnosti přípravku je soubor savého a žravého hmyzu. NÁVOD K POUŽITÍ: 1) Plodina, oblast. Growing Stone Fruits | Bayer Crop Science. Please select. For Stone fruit crop safety & maintenance, Bayer Crop Science provides growers with a range of insecticides, fungicides & herbicides registered for use in Stone fruit. Search by product type to find Apricots, Peaches, Cherries, Plums & other stone fruits crop solution.. New weed control option in oats brings benefits - Bayer. With Broadside, 1.4 L/ha was okay, but going down to 1 L/ha was not enough. "The Precept worked out at about $22/ha, whereas Broadside at 1.4 L/ha was around $30/ha, so we had a $5-$10/ha saving, which is significant.. The improved weed control has also contributed to excellent Mortlock and Williams oat crops in recent seasons.. Thrips | Pests | Bayer Crop Science. Thrips tabaci. Onion thrips infest a wide range of hosts, including onions, garlic, leek, beans, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, cotton, celery, tobacco, tomatoes, cucumber, strawberries, potatoes and a range of ornamentals. Onion thrips are known vectors of tomato spotted wilted virus (TSWV) and iris yellow spot virus (IYSV) which is a .. Find a Pest | Crop Solutions | Bayer Crop Science Australia. Pests. We are serious about protecting your crops from pests; that is, weeds, diseases, and pests. Use the information on these pages to help you identify the pests on your farm or in your crop. Then search to identify products or a solution available for use in your particular crop.. Search Bayers fungicide products. Now EverGol ® Prime is taking rhizoctonia protection to a new level. In viticulture, our fungicides play a central role in managing powdery mildew and botrytis. And products like Flint ®, Bayfidan ®, Blue Shield ® and Prosper ® should be familiar to growers of other fruit and vegetables. Whatever disease challenges you face, you can also .. PDF Registered Pesticides for Avocados in Australia. e.g. Bulldock 25 EC e.g. Glyphosate 450 (450 mL of glyphosate per L i.e. 45% strength) e.g. Agri-Fos 600 (600 mL of phophorous acid per litre, i.e. 60% strength) e.g. Dipterex 500 SL (500 mL of trichlorfon per litre, soluble liquid) Trade name Bulldock g or mL per kg or litre 25 mL/L Formulation Emulsifiable concentrate.